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Sociology: Home

This guide offers a variety of resources for students who are pursuing information in sociology.


Welcome Sociology Students!

This guide will help you locate relevant materials for your research on topics in Sociology courses:

SOC 200 Introduction to Sociology

SOC 247 Marriage and the Family

BSCC's Libraries have a great collection of resources including books in print and electronic format, and current articles in our databases.  We have also included here a list of excellent websites to help with your research.  All the BSCC librarians are ready to help!  Contact us by phone, send us an e-mail or stop by and see us in person!

Under the "Books" tab, you will find physical reference and circulating materials.

Under the "Articles" tab, you will find a selection of relevant databases to search for articles from journals, magazines and newspapers.

Under the "Websites" tab, you will find a collection of reliable websites for your research.

Contact the Library

Fayette Campus
Mary Harris - Librarian

Located on the East Wing of Complex
Phone: (800) 648-3271 Ext. # 5141

Hamilton Campus
Tammy Sanders - Librarian
Administration Building
Phone: (205) 921-3177 Ext. # 5356

Jasper Campus
Rebecca E. Whitten - Librarian
Irma D. Nicholson Library
Phone: (205) 387-0511 Ext. # 5748

Sumiton Campus
Rebecca E. Whitten - Librarian
First Floor Bldg. 1200
Phone: (205) 648-3271 Ext. # 5242

Pickens County
Stephanie Butler - Part-time Librarian
491 Tuscaloosa Avenue
Adjacent to Main Office
Carrollton, Alabama
Phone: (800) 648-3271 Ext. # 5646

Library Hours

Hours may vary during semester breaks and holidays. Temporary hours are posted at the entrance of each library prior to schedule changes and are available by calling your campus library.

Fall Semester & Spring Semester Hours

Monday - Thursday  7:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Friday 7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Saturday & Sunday Closed

Summer Semester Hours

Monday - Thursday 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m
Friday, Saturday & Sunday​  Closed

Library of Congress Call Number Ranges

HM 300-HM 1281 Sociology
HM1001-1281 Social psychology
HM1041-1101Social perception. Social cognition.


Profile Photo
Mary Harris
2631 Temple Avenue N
Fayette, Alabama 35555
(205) 932-3221 x5140